Serving the physical and spiritual needs of the Haitian people for over twenty-five years.
About HICM

HICM is based out of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. The ministry is committed to impacting people for Christ in Haiti through church planting, Christian schools, medical clinics and child sponsorship programs.
Founder and President Frantz Previl (Fan-Fan), is a native of Haiti and was blessed to be able to attend and graduate from Johnson University in Knoxville, Tennessee where he majored in Christian Ministry.
Years prior, his father Maurice founded the Guilgal Christian Church in Cite Soleil (population 300k) a suburb of Port-Au-Prince (metro population 2.6 million), and regarded as one of the poorest communities in the Western Hemisphere. In 1993 after the passing of his father, Frantz alongside his wife Rhode, started HICM continuing the work his father began and growing the ministry to include over 23 churches, schools and mobile medical clinics across Haiti and now the Dominican Republic.
HICM also organizes seminars twice a year for ministers and church leaders to study theology, doctrine and church growth... Hosts youth retreats and maintains a child sponsorship program that provides tuition, books, uniform, supplies, medical attention and one meal a day. ​
HICM is a non-profit 501c3 organization. It is governed by the HICM Ministry Board.
Current HICM Ministry Board Members
Frantz Previl - Founder & President
Paul Casteel - Minister, Blanchester Church of Christ, Blanchester, OH
Brian Hill - Cherokee Nation Family Advocate, Tahlequah, OK
Margaret Meyer - HICM Secretary, Central Christian Church, Wichita, KS
Josh McDonell - JMC Design, Fort Gibson, OK
Tom Tucker - Christian Parenting Ministries, Carthage, MO
Andy Wineinger - Elder, Longview Christian Church, Longview, TX
Margaret Wineinger - Forwarding Agent, Longview, TX
William Walter - Retired, Mountain Telephone, West Liberty, KY
Partner With Us

Child Sponsorship
Every year, thousands of children are provided with schooling, food and clothing through HICM's Child Sponsorship Program. For just pennies a day, you can rescue a vulnerable child and provide them with safe shelter, food, education, health care, and spiritual development.
For more information about this program, contact HICM in care of Margaret Wineinger at P.O. Box 934, Hallsville, TX 75650 or email her by clicking here.
Construction of New Churches, Schools, Clinics
HICM is constantly overseeing construction projects throughout the nation of Haiti and now the Dominican Republic where church and school buildings are overcrowded or non-existent and need to be built.
Could you partner with us by providing funding and or workers to build an addition to a school? A church? Provide the land for a new facility? The possibilities are endless. Let us know if you would like to help us in one of these endeavors.

Missions trips are a wonderful way to get out of your box and experience the world. If you have never taken a missions trip, now is the time to begin praying and thinking about it.
Ask your minister about taking a missions trip. Show him this information on HICM. Contact us at HICM for more information about how you can get involved in a missions trip. HICM can work with your church to help organize a missions trip for you or provide a trip for your group to attend. Either way, we are here to help you and your church or organization grow in the area of missions.
Why Go On A Missions Trip?
Missions trips will enlighten you to the realities of life in a world not like your own.
When you travel to a foreign country, you will experience sights, sounds, and smells that are different than what you are used to back home. You will learn things about cultures and people groups that you could not learn in a classroom or a church auditorium at home.
You will be enlightened to the way time is viewed and used in another country. You will gain fresh insights into different perspectives and values of other people groups. You will see how other people learn to be creative in order to accomplish things without the equipment, machines, and gadgets that you take for granted back home.
You will experience new foods, strange foods, and interesting foods and realize that you can eat things that you did not dream of ever eating while growing up in America. You will find out how other people get around their villages, towns, and cities, often using methods of transport that you are not accustomed to using.
You will discover the difficulty of going to a country where you do not understand the signs, billboards, labels, radio announcers, TV programs, or the people in general. You will find out what it is like to sit in a Sunday School class or church service and not understand the words of the testimonies, hymns, lessons, or messages.
You will experience the way the others view you as an American, or even as a Christian. You will realize that these brothers and sisters in Christ are a part of the same family of God that you are and be amazed at how much you will be able to communicate with each other just because you have a bond in Christ, and a commonality in eternal purposes and goals.
Missions trips will cause you to be more excited about sharing Jesus in your local church and community back home.
You will find yourself reevaluating your own ministries in your local church and community. You will seek to find ways to do more for Christ right where you are. No doubt, you will begin to think of ways to implement at home certain missionary strategies and methods that were employed on the foreign field.
Your new excitement in the area of missions and evangelism in your own church will be a catalyst for your friends to get more involved as well.
Missions trips will challenge you to be more effective in the way you support the cause of missions worldwide.
You will begin to think of things that are truly needed, and you can send to them, things that would be helpful to their ministries, or a blessing to their families. You will begin to be more frugal in order to be able to send more financial support or gifts to the field.
Missions trips will help you to become more grateful for the many blessings God has given you at home, in your local church, and in your home country.
When you arrive back home, you will thank God even for some of the simple everyday things that you have taken for granted for so long. Maybe it’s clean drinking water out of the faucet at home. A shower, a bathtub. Food in your cupboards or the restaurants you frequent. The low price of gasoline. Transportation. Heating, air-conditioning… Returning to the soil of the USA you will find things to thank God for, things that you never took the time to thank God for before. It is amazing how our eyes are opened to the conveniences and comforts of life at home, once we have traveled in “The Third World.”
Missions trips will stretch your faith.
For many Christians the amount of money needed for a missions trip can be daunting. You may wonder how you will ever come up with the needed funds for a missions trip.
Your faith will also be stretched after arriving on the mission field. You will be asked to do things you have never done before, go places you have never gone before, do things publicly that you have never done publicly before, and put things in your mouth that you have never put in your mouth before. The nationals will put you in situations in which you have never been before, like trying to communicate with you in broken English that you still do not understand. You will have to learn how to greet people in their country the way they greet people, rather than the way you are used to greeting people in the USA. That may mean with a hug, some kind of touch besides a handshake, or even a kiss, or two, or three.
Just remember, God’s grace is always sufficient, and God is still sovereign and in control even on what is “the foreign mission field” to you.
The first time I ever travelled overseas was a missions trip with HICM a few months after the 2010 earthquake that devastated the country. Our church had supported FanFan (Frantz) for many years, including his years in seminary at Johnson Bible College in Knoxville, TN, and wanted to help and see what his ministry was accomplishing. While in Haiti, we helped build the Savanne Plate Christian Church and assisted with a mobile medical unit. The welcoming, humble, and grateful spirit of the Haitian people, the joy in their worship in spite of dire circumstances, was an inspiration to us all. We went to be a blessing, but the blessing was ours. The mission seed was planted in my life, and led to expeditions to Mexico, disaster outreach in USA, and many more trips to Haiti, including helping build the school addition to Savanne Plate Christian Church. I highly recommend supporting and going on a missions trip with HICM. Your life will be forever changed!
- Paul Casteel
Contact & Donate
Main Offices
Even though out main HICM offices are in Port-Au-Prince, all information is forwarded to Frantz Previl through our main office in Texas due to security concerns. You can speak with Margaret Wineinger, our Treasurer & Forwarding Agent in Hallsville, TX at any time.
Margaret Wineinger
P.O. Box 934
Hallsville, TX 75650
or email her by clicking here.
All Donations Tax Deductible
HICM is a 501c3 Non-Profit ministry and all donations are tax-deductible. If you would like to give to HICM, please click the button below.